How To- Uncover Your True Money Values

Do you know your significant other’s top three money values?\

Do you know your own???

It is easy to say, for example, your top values are savings, retirement, and debt-free…


do your accounts back you up or betray you?

They say if you ever want to see your values, look at your bank account.

Do you know why?

You spend money on things you truly value.

If you value education, you may see purchases for books and courses.

If you value travel, you will see purchases for tickets and gas.

If you value fashion, you will see purchases for clothes and accessories.

If you value your health, you will see purchases for healthy food, gym memberships and equipment, and perhaps a health and wellness coach.

If you say you value health, but your purchases show a lot of fast and processed foods, you have a disconnect.

Sometimes our values are not aligned with our beliefs.

We all have these disconnects. The trick is uncovering them and admitting that they exist. (spoiler alert: they are much easier to see in others than in ourselves 😉 )

Once you do that, you can make conscious choices that align with what you want your values to be.

Eventually, your subconscious will catch up.

Thoughts become actions which become your reality.

If you want a different reality, it starts with having different thoughts.

This is not “fake it til you make it”.

This is being the change you want to see.

There is a difference.

I am not going to sugarcoat it. It sounds so simple, but can be really difficult- especially as you dive deeper. There is no way one post could cover it all. But, if you have just one little “a ha” from this post, you will be further ahead than the majority of people.

I once heard someone say “you do not solve your problems- your problems dissolve as you evolve”. And this is so true.

This is why even the wealthy have problems. They are different from the problems of the poor or middle class or super wealthy. And, you cannot solve the problems of the wealthy when you have the mindset of the poor or middle class. YOU have to change and evolve.

It is also true that you cannot wait until you achieve a certain goal or status before you start to be that person. If you cannot handle $1 you will not be able to handle $1,000,000. This is why so many lottery winners are back to where they started (or worse off) within two years.

So, write down what your top three money values are, then take an honest look at whether your accounts reflect them. If not, take the time to figure out who you would be if you were living those values and start living like that.

One caveat: I am not suggesting you live the caviar lifestyle on a ramen budget, but you can adopt the mindset of the person you want to be.

Gratitude for what you currently have is a must.

Visualization is a great tool to virtually step in to that life. Touch it, taste it, feel it, smell it. The more detail the better.

Journaling may be a helpful tool for you. Write down your perfect day or weekend in detail.
You may find a hypnosis session or a session with an energy healer to be helpful.

And, I am always available if you want a free 1:1 session. We can talk about where you are, where you want to be, and the best first steps down the road to financial success.

If you want to take a deeper dive into all things money, finances, investing, debt, credit, money mindset, planning for the future, and generational wealth, email me about the Money Mom Academy. It includes an 8-module program, but the real gold is in the weekly group zoom calls and bi-monthly 1:1 sessions. The best part is that it never expires so you can learn on your schedule and go as deep as you want to in whatever subjects interest you the most. Eventually there will be in-person retreats and teen investing groups.

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