How To- Plan Your Financial Journey

I just drove 12 hours (it should have been an 11 hour trip) and noticed a few things:

1. There is no trucker shortage. All the tractor trailers can be found on Route 81 in Pennsylvania. 😉

2. People seem to have forgotten the left lane is for passing. You cannot pass doing the same speed as the vehicle in the right lane. No matter how many miles you play “pairs pleasure” (my horsey friends will get this reference).

3. The road signs will tell you the next city on your journey, so if you are looking for the sign that tells you how to get to Syracuse when you are in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, or Pennsylvania, you will never find your way.

#3 is much like life in general. Often we are so focused on where we want to end up that we miss the little steps on our way there.

But, like a road trip, not knowing those in-between places could get us lost.

And not having faith that the road we are on will get us to the goal will cause us to make unnecessary stops, turns, and detours. If I did not know that I need to take 321 to 40 to 77 to 81 in order to get home I would probably still be on a road somewhere, probably in a different state!

But, since I knew taking these roads would eventually lead me to where I wanted to be, I was able to make it as quickly as possible.

Like my road trip, I have a similar plan mapped out for my finances.

And, I know that as long as I stay the course I will eventually make it to where I want to be, even if it takes a little longer than I would like.

Regardless of the slow downs caused by other people or events.

Regardless of how many times progress seems to come to a grinding halt.

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