How To- Stay Focused on the Solution and Not the Problem

Ever have that moment where you can feel you are diving down a rabbit hole you know you really do not want to go down, but cannot figure out how to stop?

I heard today from a woman who was in this predicament.

She and her husband had worked hard to become almost debt-free. They were on their last debt.

And, instead of celebrating, she found herself obsessively checking their account multiple times per day, looking to see what was coming in and going out (even though there were not that many transactions).

This can occur when you are focused on debt-reduction versus living a balanced, financially healthy life.

Think about it.
“What you think about, you bring about”.
“Energy flows where attention goes”.

If you focus on the debt- or even debt-reduction- you are in a scarcity mindset. Without meaning to, you are setting yourself up for scarcity (in this case, time and mental capacity).

If you focus on living a healthy financial life that results in you reducing debt and increasing assets like savings and investing, you are in an abundance mindset. You will find yourself attracting more abundance.

Now, this is not a free pass to buy whatever you want and not think about the financial repercussions.

This is a reminder to set the systems and processes up in your personal and/or business finances so you can win without spending a lot of time and mental bandwidth on the day-to-day operations.

It is actually super simple.

Automate your allocations.
Figure out what you are going to allocate each paycheck and then just do it. Do not try to “borrow” or promise yourself you will make up the difference “next time”. Just do it.

Stick to those amounts.
Not enough money in your play account? Then I guess it will just have to wait until next payday when the account is replenished.
Addicted to educational courses or books, but not enough in the education account? Once again, that means waiting until the next deposit is allocated between the accounts.

Put yourself first.
If you are currently waiting to see what is left over after all the bills are paid to determine how much you are going to save, you will NEVER save. Pay yourself first. You will find you still have enough to pay the bills… and future you will thank you.

Need help? Let me know. I would be more than happy to help you figure out the best strategy for you.

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