Create Your Own Future
I know this may seem like a little bit of a repeat, but it is a different option.
For this exercise you will want a sheet of paper for each person and some colored pencils or markers.
Use your favorite color to write down one big goal.
It could be getting into a certain college, going to a place, saving a specific amount, meeting a particular person, passing a class, reaching a certain weight, performing at a measurable level, etc.
Then use your second favorite color to write down some smaller goals that will act as mini wins on the way to the larger goal. These may be monthly or quarterly goals, depending on how long it will take to reach the larger goal.
Use your third favorite color to write down daily or weekly action steps you can take to reach each monthly or quarterly goal.
Then, take a calendar (or print one out online) and, using the corresponding color, color in, X, or draw a star or smiley face on each day that you meet each goal. Your calendar will get colorful very fast and it will be a great way to see how much you are achieving.