How To- Kick the Shopping Habit

Shopping therapy is real.

We all have those items in our closets that still have the tags on, waiting for us to lose 10 pounds for that special event to occur.

If you have ever felt the rush of finding that perfect deal, or something you just have to have on the clearance rack, you know how addictive that feeling can be.

Unfortunately, that euphoric feeling of conquering is often quickly replaced by the pain of regret.

How am I going to pay for it?

Where am I going to put it?

What was I thinking? This is so NOT my _______ (style/size/color/etc).

So, you head back to the store, perhaps with the intention of returning that impulse buy, but ever notice how they put the returns desk as far away from the entrance as possible?

You pass by all the signs screaming “sale”, “bogo”, “clearance”, “limited time only”… all the things that give you major fomo and make you think you have to buy it now.

You spot a cute little something. Is it on sale? Oh, it is not too much… My return will more than pay for it…

All the sexy justifications we come up with for that next hit of dopamine.

Until it is gone.

When does it end???

To be blunt (because you know I love tough love), it ends when you decide it ends.

All you have to do is decide this has to stop. It is no longer serving me. I do not need it.

Or, if you really, really, really love to shop but hate the guilt, use your “play” money for those shopping trips. Just remember, when the money is gone, the shopping is done.

Ready to make a change?

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