How To- Rethink Gift Buying

This is the time of year when it is far too easy to spend more than you planned or find yourself adding people to your gift list who you are not really close to.

Now, I am not talking about those people who make your life easier who are generally given some kind of a bonus during the holidays…

Or the host/hostess of the party or get-together you are attending.

I am talking about that gift for the Secret Santa at work that you would rather not participate in, but the fallout from not participating is not worth it (gotta love office politics)…

Or a gift for someone you really do not know well and would prefer not to exchange gifts with, but they will be at the party and it would be awkward not to show up with something…

Or you just found out someone unexpected will be at your family Christmas gathering…

Or knowing that you already spent your limit on [insert name here], but this item is “just too perfect!”…

Or buying that new _______ to impress the others at the dinner/party/gathering/event because you simply cannot show up in something they have already seen you in.

Some of these scenarios are easier to deal with than others. While it can be simple (not easy, but simple) to just:
-not exceed your budget on each person
– to buy that “perfect” gift and return something you have already bought
– to just say no to that new outfit or accessory,

sometimes you have to be gracious and make that unexpected, and maybe unwanted, purchase.

So, next year when you are planning your holiday budget, base it on what you spent this year and add another 10% or so…

And for this year, do your best to stick to your budget.

If that unplanned someone is attending as a guest or +1 of someone you had planned for, perhaps you can buy a gift for them to enjoy together.

If not, you may be able to shave a little off the total amounts spent on others (hello, sales!) to cover the additional gift(s).

And, above all else, do not let it bring out your inner Grinch. Acknowledge the negative feelings (after all, they are valid), then make the decision to buy that gift with all the good will in your heart.

After all, that is what the season is all about. ❤

What unexpected purchases did you end up making this year?

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