How To- Save Your Money From a Black Hole

PSA: If you have not gone through your bank and credit card statements to make sure your money is going exactly where you want it to go, now is a good time to do so.

This is for personal and business finances.

Look out for:- fraud- unauthorized payments- recurring payments that you have forgotten about – subscriptions you no longer need or use- inaccuracies

What to do if you find something:
– if fraud, unauthorized, or inaccurate, contact the bank or credit card company (you usually only have 60 days to dispute a charge)
– if a recurring or subscription payment, stop the payment through the provider. If the provider will not stop it (yes, this does happen), take action through the bank or credit card company.

Why this is important:
It is always a good idea to know EXACTLY where your money is going. Credit and debit cards can be a black hole for your cash and can make the difference between a positive and negative bottom line. It is really easy to buy and/or pay for things you do not need. Regularly checking your statements can help keep your finances in order… and more money available for the things that matter most to you.

Why do this now? There is so much going on!
Ideally you are doing this monthly anyway. However, if you tend to “set it and forget it”, year-end is a great time to clean things up and prepare for the year ahead. And, think of how much more fun you will be able to have knowing your finances are in order!

How often do you check your statements? Have you ever found a surprise in them?

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