How To- Save (for) Yourself

We are often taught what we “should” be doing to prepare for retirement, but…
– what if you do not have an employer who offers a retirement plan?
– what if you do not receive consistent income from month-to-month?
– what if you realize you are in your mid-forties, halfway through your working life, and there is no way you are going to be retiring at 65 based on how much you have saved right now?
– what if you barely have enough to make ends meet?
– what if you have so many child-related expenses there is nothing left over to save?
– what if your country requires you to make contributions toward a retirement program that you do not expect to be solvent when it is time for you to retire?
– what if you want to retire before you are the retirement age set by the government?

If you fall into any of these categories, please know you are not alone. Especially this year, there are a lot of people facing these same concerns.

The first thing to understand is that you do not have to choose a government-recognized retirement account in order to save and invest toward your retirement. Any assets you own can be used for this purpose, usually with less restrictions or taxes.

Secondly, be okay with putting yourself first. Although we want our children to have the world and do not want them to have to struggle (spoiler alert: tough love ahead), both things are good for them. And, would you rather have them struggle or go without now or when they have kids of their own and are trying to help you because you can no longer work and did not prepare for your own future.

Lastly, if you have any questions about how to plan for your financial future, save, and/or prepare for retirement- especially if you said “yes” to any of the above questions- join me tomorrow for my FREE live workshop where I will be discussing all of this and more. There is plenty of time for Q&A and if you cannot make it, register anyway, because there will be a replay sent to all registrants.

What is one thing you wish you knew about planning for retirement?

You can register for the FREE workshop here:

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