How To- Find Your Inner Soldier

In remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day- “a day that will live in infamy”…

Everything you do is because you either want more of something you like or less of something you do not like. Not surprising, you are more likely to continue when you are rewarded with things you like.

The same is true for money and finances. You can approach it from a place of “I hate _____” or “I love _____”. Guess which one will keep you going longer?

A big part of this is because “you bring about what you think about” (Mary Kay) and “energy flows where attention goes” (Tony Robbins), but it is also because we are hardwired to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

So, think about why you want to have that emergency savings account, down payment for a house, retirement funds, or whatever your current financial goals are.

Do you want it because you love what it will do for you and your family? Or do you want it because you hate the way things will be without it? Then, for anything that is a “hate”, re-word it so you can focus on the part you will love.

For example, instead of saying “I need a new car because this stupid rust bucket is falling apart and it is just embarrassing to be seen in”, you could say “I love the safety and security a quality car would bring to my family as we travel, plus I just look good in new”. Okay, that is not the best example, but you get the idea…

Find that reason that will drive you forward, even when things get difficult. Something that will not allow you to retreat or stop until you have accomplished your goal, even if it takes years.

What is your reason for wanting a better financial life?

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