I came across this quote from Randy Gage while listening to Sean Croxton’s Quote of the Day podcast (which I highly recommend).
Randy started with “safe is the new risky” and “I make my own economy” which, of course, piqued my interest.
He then said when people ask you if you are concerned about recessions or depressions, just say “I choose not to participate”. I love this mindset and will be adopting it for myself!
See, here is the thing. Where there are problems, people will pay for a solution.
What problem can you provide the solution for? If you are not sure where to start, what problems would you pay someone to solve for you?
If you want to listen to the entire podcast (approximately 10 minutes if you skip the sponsor’s message), check it out at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/1015-randy-gage-i-make-my-own-economy/id1163094296?i=1000494815184