How To- Get Started with Investing in the Stock Market (4 of 5)

Step 4: Keep it simple.

Okay, this may seem completely impossible when you consider you are learning a new language and stepping WAY out of your comfort zone, but it is very important.

It is easy to become paralyzed when learning and trying something new. If you wait until you are 100% comfortable with or know everything about it, you will never get started.

So, to break this week’s lessons down to the most simple takeaways:

1. Decide how much you want to invest.

2. Figure out which online broker you want to use.

3. Choose a company you know, like, and trust (bonus points if it passes the snap test).

4. Buy it.

5. Wait.

6. Evaluate and Assess (how is it doing? do you want to buy more, hold, or sell?)

7. Repeat. Buy more of the same stock or buy something different.

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