How To- Give Your Children a Financial Advantage (3 of 5)

Step 3: Encourage their childish dreams.

This is something everyone is born with. We are naturally curious. We ask a lot of questions. We come up with fantastical ideas and allow our imaginations to take us wherever it wants.

Then, little by little, society conditions us to conform to what is acceptable and to shut the door on our true selves.

While you want to teach your children how to function in society, also create a safe place for this fun, playful side to express itself.

It is an amazing time we live in. Decades ago, we would have told children that making origami or growing a garden or canning fruits or playing video games could be a fun hobby, but would never be a career option. Now, there are people making big money doing just that.

The old career paths are being torn up and new ones are being created. Yes, there are still careers where a college degree is necessary, but college is no longer a necessary step on the way to adulthood.

Help your children figure out ways to make their dreams reality. It may take a little research, but chances are you can find someone who is doing something similar to what your child wants to do.

In short, keep the magic alive.

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