How To- Achieve Your Goals

What is your biggest, most audacious goal?

Is it an amount?

Is it a physical product like a house, car, private jet, etc?
Is it a feeling?

Now, what is your first thought when you think of people who have that?

Is it positive or negative?

If it is positive your subconscious will find a way to get you what you want, like your own personal gps to anywhere or anything.

If it is negative you will either never achieve it or, if you do achieve it, you will not keep it.


Because if your goals and core values are not in alignment your subconscious will protect you by sticking to your core values.

If you think rich people are greedy and evil, you will never be rich. After all, you do not want to be greedy and evil, right?

The good news is you can change this!

First you have to acknowledge the conflict. Think of your goals. If you say them out loud what thoughts pop up immediately? Do you have any physical reactions in your body (most likely in your throat, shoulders, stomach, or heart). Write all this down.

Now, write down new beliefs. It could be as simple as stating the opposite of the belief that is not in alignment with your goals or, if that seems impossible, start with “I believe it is possible that…”.

Finally, repeat that new belief every time you catch yourself automatically thinking the belief you no longer want.

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