How To- Choose Your Future

If you only focus on debt you are short-changing yourself.

Have you ever been afraid of losing someone? To the point where your fear-based actions actually cause them to leave?

Or have you ever been so stressed about your health that you actually cause more problems?

It happens all the time. I bet you can either remember a time yourself or you know someone who has.

What you think about becomes your reality.

So why do so many financial “coaches” focus on debt-free???

Yes, it sounds great…and possibly even attainable… but it will never make you financially free.

Do I have debt? Yes! But, most if it is strategic. My weaknesses are travel and giving. If I am going to blow my budget, it is usually in one of these two areas. But, I have my “give” account so I can do so freely without concern. I have my “travel” account for the same reason (although this one tends to be more difficult to stay within the boundaries). And, honestly, my “play” money is going here now because there is not much I can do with it otherwise. I am going to have a great travel budget when we can finally start exploring again!

If you want to just focus on debt-free, my program will get you there. But, remember, you can be debt-free and still have the stress and uncertainty of not having enough money to last between paychecks. And, remember, you can become debt-free by declaring bankruptcy (not recommended) or dying (also not recommended). So, be careful what you wish for.

If you want to go one step further and get you off the paycheck-to-paycheck merry-go-round of despair, my program will get you there. There are so many ways to balance the income-expense equation and I am always available to help you figure out that next step.

If you want to go beyond debt-free to financial freedom, my program will also get you there. Financial freedom is a little more difficult to define and each person will have his or her own metrics, but it is totally doable.

It all comes down to knowledge and action. By being educated and financially empowered you can make better fiscal choices that will help you become debt-free, break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle, have hope for the future, and even become financially free.

Which do you choose?

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