How To- Buy Like a Pro

What do you think about when deciding to buy something?

Do you decide how much you like it based on the price tag? Hey- no shame! Most of us have been there at some point. You see that perfect [fill in the blank], then look at the tag and decide it is not really that perfect after all, right? Or maybe you will wait until it is on sale…

Do you like to just buy for the instant gratification and the thrill of the purchase? Then you find yourself with too much stuff…

Do you buy because the deal is “too good to pass up” or because you have a coupon? So you now have a lot of things that may not fit you or your lifestyle…

Do you have difficulty knowing what you really want so you buy a bunch of “maybes” and take back what you later decide you really do not like?

Do you know exactly what you need, then do a quick price check to find the best price, and buy it? Or is it something else?

Do you find your decisions are more emotional or more logicial?

Yes, I am asking a lot of questions tonight.

But, I want you to think. Think about WHY you are taking the action you are taking.

Because buying that cute dress that does not fit and will have you berating your body, your lack of willpower, yourself for going overbudget, or anything else is not helping you on any level.

And, because you deserve to make empowering decisions that will help you mentally and financially.

Reminder: if you have the money in your “play” account you can spend without remorse. Or maybe you set up a dedicated account for shopping if that is a must-have in your life. Just make sure you are not neglecting the other areas of your financial life- education, savings, future you, and giving.

What kind of buyer are you? Do you fall into one of the above or is it something else?

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