How To- Show Your Love Without Breaking the Bank

Okay, so the day is almost over in most parts of the world, but here are the top 20 ways to say “I love you” without breaking the bank.

Hey, with this list, every day can be Valentine’s Day!

1. hide heartfelt notes

2. free up some time for him/her to do something (s)he has been wanting to do but has not had the time for

3. spend a few minutes asking how your Valentine’s day went… and LISTEN

4. go for the 1 minute hug

5. kiss like you did when you were dating

6. watch a movie either you both like or that is his/her favorite

7. go for a walk (bonus points if a beach and sunrise or sunset are involved)

8. look your partner in the eyes while talking to him/her

9. send a text- sexy or sweet- just to let him/her know you are thinking of him/her

10. create a mixed tape (is it still called a mixed tape when no cassette is involved?)

11. create a handmade card

12. make a list of all the things you love and appreciate about your mate

13. make heart shaped… anything!

14. take a bath or shower together

15. dance

16. make his/her favorite meal

17. pull out the good dishes and glasses and light some candles- even if it is an “everyday” meal

18. have a picnic- indoors or out, it does not matter

19. spend a morning cuddling in bed

20. say “I love you”

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