How To Set Yourself Up for Success and Avoid the Scammers

I took place in an interesting conversation in a facebook group today.

Someone posted a picture of a tweet that stated “If you’re working on paying off debt, the only time you should see the inside of a restaurant is if you’re working there.”

This is a fear-based, scarcity mindset.

One that leads to burnout and shame.

And one that sets you up to fail.

But, then again, the tweeter has made millions from this type of financial “advice”…

And if you do not get wealthy from following this wanna-be “guru” it is because you were not disciplined enough.

Great scam, right?!?!

Firstly, if anyone says you “should” do something, run the other way. There are no “shoulds” in life. (I follow the advice to “stop shoulding all over yourself” 😉 )

Secondly, what is the point of living if you cannot enjoy yourself?

The recommendation of the wealthy (millionaires) is to spend an equal amount on education, investing, savings, and FUN, as well as a portion on giving to others. The recommendation is 10% each with a minimum 5% to giving, but it is more important that you get in the habit of allocating your income to these buckets than the actual percentage. Even $1 each per week will cause a mental shift that is a game changer.

What are your thoughts on this? Which method do you use?

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