How To- Get More of What You Want

“Everyone else can afford nice things- why not me?”
Have you ever found yourself asking this?
When was the last time?
There are two things to consider when asking this question.
The first is that you do not know the other person’s specific situation.
Maybe they are overextending themselves to make those purchases…
Maybe they have different priorities and spend less in other areas of their lives…
Maybe they made different choices in the past that give them the option to make these choices today…
The “maybes” are endless.
The truth is there are far too many variables to be able to give just one answer.
The second thing to consider is that your mind tends to find ways to prove itself right. The more time you spend focusing on what you do not have, the more difficult it is to get what you want.
So, since there is nothing you can do to change the other person AND you bring into your life the things you focus on…
Focus on the positives.
Instead of asking “why not?”, change the question to “how can I?”.
And be grateful for what you have.
Those two things will help you get more of what you really want.
So, what are you wanting more of in your life? Share in the comments below!

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