I was listening to a Youtube recording of an old Jim Rohn seminar and he started speaking about a subject I thought you might be interested in. The following is the basic idea of this lesson.
1. Disgust, especially when followed by action
A moment will come when you say “enough is enough” or “I will never be in this situation again”. You may not have to hit rock bottom to have this moment if you heed this feeling when it is small. Too many people say “I will never…” only to find themselves repeating those words again a few weeks or months down the road. And usually the situation is progressively worse than the last time they said it.
If you can add an action, something that gives you a visual to remind you of why you are determined to change your life, it will be that much more powerful.
2. Decision
Make a list of your decisions. This will be your road map. Be as detailed as possible. Keep your list close and consult it often. Remind yourself of what you want to do, why you want to do it, and how you plan to get there.
3. Desire
You have to “want to” bad enough. There is often a trigger. It may be something as simple as the lyrics to a song, a snippet of something someone says, something you have experienced. Jim Rohn reminds us to be open to any and all experiences because you never know which one will be a turning point in your life. According to Jim Rohn “the same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness”. Do not build walls. Build experiences and figure out the lesson in them.
4. Resolve
It is said two of the most important words in the human spirit are “I will”. A person who has determined (s)he is going to do something is unstoppable. Jim Rohn says the best definition he heard for resolve came from a junior high girl who said resolve is “promising yourself you will never give up”.
To hear the entire talk (jump to minute 16:00 for these steps):
Action Steps:
Resolve to make your life better. You deserve better. And, while you are grateful for its many blessings, what you have right now is not enough. You will do whatever it takes to have whatever that better life looks like to you.
Create a visual or find something that physically represents your current life. Destroy it. Display it somewhere you can see it often and/or take a picture of it and use it is as the background photo on your cell phone or computer.
Make a list of everything you have to do to achieve your new life. Keep your list with you and refer to it often. If you find you stray from your list or slide back into old habits, course correct and carry on.
Think of how your life will look once you have achieved your goal. Your habits determine your outcome. What new habits do you need to incorporate? Start doing them now. If you start acting like a financially free person you will become a financially free person. If you start acting like a manager, you will become a manager. You get the idea. If the “new you” will have regular massages, use your “Play” money to purchase a massage on groupon or find a local massage school. As Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, liked to say: “Fake it ’til you make it”.
Include all five senses in your visualization of your new life- sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound. What will your house look like? Your car? Your social life? Your appearance? Focus on the details. Replay this visualization often. Mindvalley has a great 6 phase guided meditation that includes both the goals and daily habits. You can listen to it when you first wake up, just before you go to bed, while driving, taking a walk, or while doing anything where you can semi-zone out for 13-21 minutes. Here are the links for both versions: